Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Beowulf and Jason Statham: Heroes from Different Times

It's obvious Beowulf would relate to a wide variety of modern day film actors starring in sword fighting, old century, and fantasy movies. However, I think Jason Statham from the Transporter movie series would be the best person to compare to Beowulf himself. The both of them fight off any type of danger that threatens to bring imbalance to their words with Beowulf being the one to slay massive beasts and Jason Statham being the one to beat down countless numbers of henchmen in order to stop the main bad guy. Jason Statham's character in the Transporter movies doesn't seem to think high and mighty of himself, but merely as an ordinary bodyguard doing his job of protecting the people he is assigned to protect. He is more of the humble person when it comes to what he does, but when he goes into self-defense mode, his actions are definitely louder than his words.

Beowulf is more of the high and mighty individual when it comes to his job. He boasts a lot before he sets out to defeat the next creature that's about ten times his normal size. Every time Beowulf tells a story from his travels or other experiences he talks of how mighty he is when it came to tackling the challenge handed and how everything around him benefited from the results of his challenge. He can be a bit cocky and overconfident at times compared to Jason who is calmer and serious at what he does. Jason Statham and Beowulf are both powerful individuals, but they have different point of views of how they accomplish the challenges thrown at them from all sides.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Beowulf Quiz: Think you know the Novel?

1. Why did Brecca make it home faster in the swimming contest with Beowulf?

2. What was Beowulf trying to prove when he said he would fight Grendal with his bare hands?

3. What were the names of the great Healfdane's three sons and one daughter?

4. When the novel first introduces Grendal in action, what did the novel say about his thoughts?

5. Who does Beowulf say he and his men follow while speaking to the Danish watchman?

6. What kinds of sea monsters do you think Beowulf might have faced out in the ocean during the swimming contest?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Beowulf: The Next Big Thing

This next novel we're reading in class, Beowulf, looks like something that would surely catch my interest. I've seen previews for the movie and I don't know much about the novel, but I have a strong feeling that the main character makes a living by slaying the toughest creatures, like dragons, on Earth. Fantasy and adventure are two of my most favorite genres in reading. Hopefully one of the things my Tech IV class could do is watch the movie version of Beowulf and compare it with the novel to see if the storylines are similar or completely different.

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Anime: The Greatest Gift to America

Watching anime is one of my favorite hobbies to do next to playing video games. I wasn't into anime that much back when I was younger even though I watched shows, such as Dragonball Z, on Toonami at my grandma's house every day after school. It remained that way until my 7th grade year when I started watching an anime by the name of InuYasha on Adult Swim late at night. After I started watching InuYasha more often, my interest in anime deepened. Later in life, I started to meet more friends who practically breathed anime and my cousins were also getting into this craze even more. As a result, I became as obsessed with anime as my friends and cousins were.

The genre of anime I usually watch is aimed mainly toward action, adventure, thriller, and supernatural. A taste of what these genres have to offer are things such as demon slaying, fast paced gun or sword fights, good amounts of suspense, and characters that everyone can relate to at a certain point in time. My favorite anime show of all time to watch on Adult Swim nowadays is Bleach. Bleach is about an average 15 year old boy named Ichigo Kurosaki who lives the normal everyday life until a Soul Reaper named Rukia Kuchiki appears in the world of the living to battle evil souls known as Hollows. Ichigo then discovers he has powers fit enough to become a Soul Reaper and harnesses them later on in the series to protect the ones close to him and any evil that threatens the world of the living or the spirit world known as the Soul Society. Other animes I like to watch, besides Bleach, are Death Note, Code Geass, Gungrave, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, and Naruto.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Blogging Experience

I really don't have much blogging experience in the past nor I have used it that often. I intend to use this blog to chat with my buds, talk about any upcoming school assignments or projects, and of course chat about the hobbies my friends and I like to do in our free time.