Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Beowulf Quiz: Think you know the Novel?

1. Why did Brecca make it home faster in the swimming contest with Beowulf?

2. What was Beowulf trying to prove when he said he would fight Grendal with his bare hands?

3. What were the names of the great Healfdane's three sons and one daughter?

4. When the novel first introduces Grendal in action, what did the novel say about his thoughts?

5. Who does Beowulf say he and his men follow while speaking to the Danish watchman?

6. What kinds of sea monsters do you think Beowulf might have faced out in the ocean during the swimming contest?

1 comment:

  1. Answer Key:

    1. He was afraid of the Sea Monsters

    2. He said if Grendal could kill anyone with no weapons, then he can do the same

    3. Three Sons- Hergar, Hrothgar, and Halga
    One Daughter- Name not mentioned

    4. His thoughts were quick as his greed or his claws

    5. Higlac
